Speaking on LGBTQ history at the San Francisco Mint.
“This Shining Hour,” in Louder Than Words: Ideas that Improve Lives podcast from University of Essex, March 16, 2023
“Room One Thousand Presents Donna Graves + Chris Cornelius.” UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design, February 2023.
National Park Service webinar for “History and Hope: Interpreting the Roots of Our Climate Crisis and Inspiring Action” August 2022.
“Emerging Cultural Heritage Policies in San Francisco: Creating a Just Urban Future,” Association of Critical Heritage Studies Biennial Conference, University College, London, August 2020.
“Preservation and Social Inclusion.” Invitational research symposium at Columbia University, New York, February 2019.
"Shaping the City." Municipal Art Society's Summit for New York City, October 2018. https://goo.gl/CRfnxW
"Learning From LGBTQ Places: Lessons for Heritage and Preservation." University of Pennsylvania, September 2018. https://vimeo.com/292317880
“Taking Intersectionality Seriously: Thoughts on Heritage and Preservation.” University of Minnesota, March 2018.
"San Francisco: Multiple Narratives and Intangible Heritage." Living Heritage Symposium, Organized by San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation. San Antonio, TX, September 2017.
"Preserving a Painful Past," Session Convener and Speaker. National Trust for Historic Preservation Annual Conference, Houston, TX, November 2016.
Invited Participant, "The Next 50 Years of Preservation." University of Massachusetts, Amherst, June 2015.
“Preserving Intangible Heritage and Cultural Memory in San Francisco.” Conserving Living Heritage: Theoretical Consideration of Continuity and Change, ICOMOS India, Bangalore, December 2015.
"Using the Past in the Present: Contemporary Neighborhood Planning and Preservation of Diverse Social and Cultural Histories" with James Buckley. Society for City and Regional Planning History Annual Conference, Los Angeles, October 2015.
Invited Participant, "Multiple Voices: The National Landmark Program in the 21st Century." National Park Service, Washington, D.C., May 2015.
"Americans All? Stories of Citizenship During World War II." Co-Creating Narratives in Public Spaces, Conference organized by National Park Service and George Washington University, Washington, D.C. November 2014.
"Mapping Asian Pacific Islander America." National Council on Public History Annual Conference, Monterey, CA, March 2014.